Consequently, the vast majority of people who avow White pride seem also to explicitly avow racism. frame-transformation and frame-alignment by (a) consciously packaging a 'hate-free' racism, (b) developing strategies of equivalence and reversal–presenting whites as equivalent to ethnic and racial minorities, and (c) deploying ideas about 'love,' 'pride,' and 'heritage-preservation' to evidence both their putative lack of animosity toward others as well as their ethnic credentials.' In a social psychology experiment that tested how white participants could be influenced to identify with white pride ideology, social psychologists framed white pride as follows: Įople who openly express White pride seem invariably to be those alienated from the mainstream culture-KKK members, skin-heads, and White supremacists-people trying to grab onto some basis for feeling good about themselves when conventional avenues such as successful careers and relationships are not working well for them. Shanks-Meile identified 'White Power! White Pride!' as 'a much-used chant of white separatist movement supporters', and sociologist Mitch Berbrier has identified the use of this phrase as part of a 'new racist .